@article{oai:hcu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000042, issue = {1}, journal = {広島都市学園大学雑誌 : 健康科学と人間形成, Journal of Hiroshima Cosmopolitan University : Health Sciences and Human Formation}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大により,成人看護学実習において病院実習と学内実習の両方を経験した学生の実習における学びを比較することを目的とした。病院実習および学内実習の実習記録のうち学びのレポートを使用し,テキストマイニングツール KH Coder Ver.3 で分析を行った。病院実習では,患者を全人的に理解し患者に合わせた看護実践を行うことの重要性や葛藤が学びとして表れていた。学内実習ではグループワークで意見を共有しながら看護実践につなぐことができていた半面,患者の変化に応じた情報収集やアセスメントが不十分であったため,より詳細な事例の設定が必要であると考えられた。, The COVID-19 virus epidemic caused students of adult nursing to experience two types of nursing training: internships at hospitals and on-campus training. This research aimed to compare learning of students in these different training types. From the training records on hospital internships and on campus training, reports on learning were selected and analyzed with a text mining tool, KH Coder Ver.3. In hospital internships, learning occurred as realizing the importance and overcoming inner conflicts in gaining holistic understanding of individual patients and practicing nursing suitable for each of them. In on-campus training, the students were able to share opinions in group work and reflect them on nursing practice but more detailed case settings seemed to be required because they lacked sufficient information gathering and assessment in response to changes in patient states.}, pages = {15--23}, title = {成人看護学実習における病院実習と学内実習の学びの比較}, volume = {9}, year = {2023} }